Thursday, September 19, 2024

Time to join the 21st Century


Getting ready for a new year causes all of us to take stock and look at what we need to change. The same is true for our business. Carol and I will be starting our 18th year as owners of NCW Media in 2018.
We have been through a lot of changes during that time but the most significant change is learning to embrace modern technology and the power of the Internet.
The most important thing we have learned is the Internet is not a threat but an opportunity. It is an opportunity for us to serve you, our customers and our communities better.
Recognizing that, last year we changed all of our websites to newer more modern ones. The sites are now responsive to whatever device where you happen to be viewing them. We work hard each week to get the sites updated with the latest information and our websites now have a complete E-edition for subscribers to view wherever they may roam.
Recently, we also added a new website for on-line classified advertisements. is now live. It is a modern way to use the power of local classified advertising. It doesn’t limit the length of your ad and gives you more photos even videos. It is a secure site and even has features to protect your privacy. Check it out!
Next year we want to expand our online service to include an email newsletter. An email newsletter gives us the ability to send you important breaking news stories and information in a timely manner. Stories like fire updates when our area is being threatened by the latest wildfire.
To make that truly successful we need your help. From our earliest website programs we utilized customer telephone numbers as user names, but in the Internet world telephone numbers are yesterday’s news. The Internet runs on email addresses. Unfortunately, we did not collect email addresses on most of our subscribers.
On this page is a simple 3-step process for you to update your email address. It will be immensely helpful if you would take a few minutes and complete this process so we can add you to our email list. It will also give us the ability to email you if you forget your password or have other problems using the website.
Paid subscribers to our print editions have always had premium access to our online editions. So as long as you have a print subscription it costs you no more to have full access to any story we have posted to the website.  
Please join us in bringing your local community newspaper into the 21st Century!


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