Friday, April 19, 2024

Stacked parking: bringing more space and supports efficient land use


    Circling the lot and willing a car to ease out of a spot is a common occurrence, especially during the summer months with visitors piling into town, and the city of Leavenworth has implemented a new idea to quite literally pile everyone in. Permit stacked parking went into effect June 25.
    “The stacked parking regulation were primarily drafted to address the limited parking availability in the commercial zones,” said Lilith Vespier, Development Services manager at the June 11 public hearing regarding stacked parking.  
    This is an innovative approach that is a little different than the usual suggestion of a parking garage - it is a mechanical structure that can move the vehicle either vertically or horizontally to vacant a parking spot.
    “I think what we will mostly find in the city of Leavenworth because of the costs of putting these mechanical parking devices is just a one or two tier. However, it can be expanded and the code as its drafted right now would allow for a parking garage to be all mechanical. But it does need to be enclosed in a structure, so that helps protect the Bavarian theme we strive for,” said Vespier.
    This parking system is limited to all commercial zoning district and if they are accessory use, such as an apartment complex, they are permitted in residential zoning districts. Again, the parking system must be enclosed in a building structure.
    "The regulations can be used for new development within the commercially zoned parcels or for new residential uses. Due to the cost of these type of devices, it is anticipated that we will see new stacked parking in the commercial zones or associated with larger multifamily development," said Vespier in a later interview. "New parking could be used for visitors or employees. We are excited for more parking options for developers and users."
    The new parking regulations will have benefits beyond employees and tourists but also residents will reap benefits from the stacked parking option. It is also a nod in the right direction for efficient use of land within Leavenworth.
    "Benefits to the community may include more parking close to the related business and/or in the commercial zone keeping pressure off residential parking areas and freeing up the public parking lots," said Vespier. "The stacked parking regulations will support efficient land use within the compact footprint of Leavenworth. While we cannot anticipate all pros or cons, the intent of the regulation is to support additional parking and provide more options for infill development."
    As of July 1, there is no request in the works to create stacked parking, but with the regulations in effect the city of Leavenworth has made this new land use opportunity an option.


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