Friday, September 20, 2024

Letter to the Editor - Beckendorf


I wanted to take a few moments to share information about the upcoming Cascade School District levy requests that will be on the ballot for February 9. There are two propositions on the ballot. Proposition 1 is a proposed replacement Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O, formerly called M&O) levy. Proposition 2 is a proposed replacement technology/safety levy. Local levies support educational activities that are not funded by the state. These proposed levies are not new taxes but would replace the ones currently being collected.

The EP&O proposal on the ballot will be at a rate of $0.99/$1,000 of assessed value, a decrease in rate as compared to what was approved by the voters in 2017. The EP&O levy provides approximately 20% of the Cascade School District budget, and pays for school nurses, counselors, extracurricular activities, athletics, facilities and grounds support, instructional support and more.

The technology/safety levy is proposed to be at the same rate of $0.15/$1,000 of assessed value, the same rate as was approved by voters in 2017. Thanks to the current levy, Cascade School District students have had the resources they have needed to be able to weather remote learning during the pandemic. However, the laptops we previously purchased are nearing their expected life span. We have also made significant safety improvements in the school district but there is still work to be done.

The Cascade School District School Board is committed to fiscal responsibility and is asking for a levy rate that is lower than many districts in the state. More information is available on the Cascade School District website or by calling 548-5885.   

Best wishes,

Dr. Tracey Beckendorf-Edou

Superintendent, Cascade School District


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