OLYMPIA -- Candidate Filing Week is May 15-19, and the Office of the Secretary of State is joining county elections offices across Washington to accept applications for public office. …
WENATCHEE – The 2023 Flywheel Investment Conference, held April 20, awarded over $300,000, bringing the total to over $1.3 million that has been awarded to Washington based companies through …
BREWSTER – The next evolution for the Gamble Sands golf course and destination resort will nearly double the size through the addition of a second, still-unnamed 18-hole course, expanded …
LEAVENWORTH - How to repair a deteriorating, 90-year-old dam in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness near Leavenworth is the subject of a draft environmental impact statement released today by the Washington …
David Severance and his twin sister Lynn were born in 1943 in Seattle, Washington. David had public service in his blood and upon graduating from High School in 1961, he joined the United States …
WENATCHEE - Chelan PUD set aside nearly $3 million from the utility’s Public Power Benefit Program to advance three projects: • Wenatchee Riverfront Park , $1.51 million: This project …
The Leavenworth City Council met for their biweekly regular meeting on Tuesday, April 11 in City Hall. The meeting began with discussion of the Affordable Housing Grant Agreement for Upper Valley …
In 2022, the Columbia River Drug Task Force began receiving and collecting information from School Resource Officers and other sources of adult drug dealers providing a variety of drugs to juvenile …
Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE: SF) announced on April 5 that Kristen Taylor, Managing Director/Investments with the firm’s Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated broker-dealer subsidiary, …
This is an update to the officer-involved shooting that took place in Chelan County on March 28. The investigation is continuing into the officer-involved shooting incident that took place in …
Wenatchee — Confluence Health will be recognized jointly along with Samaritan Healthcare in Moses Lake for the Excellence in Community Partnership Award from LifeCenter Northwest, a non-profit …
Every March, the future of American cross-country ski racing gathers to determine who among them are the very best. Individual female and male title holders across three different teenage age groups …
The Leavenworth City Council met for their biweekly regular meeting on Tuesday, March 28 in City Hall. The meeting opened with some comments from public citizens voicing concerns about changes in …
Cascade Medical have let our community known for years that they are “partners in your health.” Now, they are looking for community members to partner in a different way. Cascade …
WENATCHEE - Last year’s legislative session concluded with the approval of a 16-year, $16.9 billion transportation investment plan, known as “Move Ahead Washington.” The long-term …
LEAVENWORTH - On March 28, Chelan County Deputies were dispatched to a reported assault in the 16000 block of Chumstick Highway shortly after 7 a.m. According to the initial report, Abel Wilkes had …
PLAIN - The Chelan County Sheriff’s Office reports on March 17, Deputies were dispatched to a report of a body discovered in the16000 block of Camp 12 Road in Plain. Chelan County …
As of April 3, Link Transit will improve frequency to 30 minutes on several routes and make some minor changes to other routes to improve reliability. Routes that will be improved to arrive …
OLYMPIA – Spring is here, and with it – the deadline to remove studded tires before end of day Friday, March 31. The Washington State Department of Transportation encourages all drivers …
Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Dr. Homer Wilkes announced March 21 that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is investing $24.9 million in wildfire protection projects …