Thursday, September 19, 2024

CHS swiftly handles safety concern


Despite it being a false alarm, the Cascade School District and local surrounding law enforcement agencies wasted no time in launching an investigation and safety precautions. On Friday, October 19, a concerned student approached Cascade High School administration about a social media post that referenced a vague "CHS" and involved school safety.
    With social media lessening physical distance and creating a communication platform that allows anyone's voice to echo across the World Wide Web, the possible safety infringement for "CHS" could've applied to any of the abundance of CHS's across the country. However, better than safe than sorry is the motto for these kind of circumstances and Cascade School District didn't leave anything to chance.
    According to a notice from the school district, Resource Officer, Deputy Morrison, quickly arrived on campus and law enforcement for both Cashmere and Chelan high schools were also mobilized. A multi-state investigation revealed that the post came from two time zones, Wisconsin and Texas, lessening the intensity and likelihood of the threat directly impacting Cascade High School. The notice also stated that though confident the safety issue doesn't involve CHS, law enforcement was still strongly active in Cascade, Cashmere and Chelan high schools in order to supervise and babysit a possible safety threat.
    "This was an excellent example of 'if you see something, say something'," said superintendent Bill Motsenbocker, "We are proud of our students and staff for their focus on safety for our schools."  


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