Meetings with Bob Bugert
Leavenworth, 5 -7 p.m., Thursday, July 7, in the community room of Chelan County Fire District 3, 228 Chumstick Highway. In Plain: 9- 11 a.m. on Friday, July 8, at Beaver Valley Lodge, 18630 Beaver Valley Road. Bugert will provide general Chelan County government updates at both meetings. He also will be joined at the meetings by a variety of county representatives. At the Leavenworth meeting, Chelan County Natural Resources will provide updates on two ongoing projects: the Leavenworth-area tubing study and the Icicle Work Group. The Chelan County fire marshal will talk about the new fire hazard designations as well as efforts to develop a Wildland Urban Interface Code. And Public Works will talk about the ongoing Cascade Orchard Bridge deck project. The fire marshal also will attend the Plain event, where Natural Resources will discuss the status of the Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project. Both meetings will have opportunities for questions from the public. Bugert, who represents District 2 for Chelan County, meets quarterly with the Upper Valley community to discuss updates on county projects and issues and to answer questions from the public. Contact: Jill FitzSimmons Chelan County public information officer
Leavenworth Library Events:
Leavenworth Friends of the Library
We will be accepting book donations on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 10-11 a.m. Bring you donations to the green buildings at the back of the Mountain View Cemetery on Icicle Road. We cannot accept magazines, encyclopedias, textbooks or outdated manuals. Questions call 509-548-7018.
Crafternoons at the Library
Join us for arts and crafts at the Leavenworth and Peshastin Libraries. All ages welcome Tuesdays, 3:30-5 p.m., 509-548-7923 or Peshastin, 509- 548-7821. Remember to get a Library parking pass from the library to park in the designated parking spaces.
Cashmere Community Vacation Bible School
VBS will be on July 11 through 15, from 9-11:30 a.m., at the Cashmere Presbyterian Church for ages 4 - grade 6 and 7-8:30 p.m. for grades 6 -12. Contact Linda Colby, 509-669-8425 lcolby1513@nwi.net for more information.
The Cascadia Conservation District Regular Board meeting will be an in person and call-in / Zoom meeting, held on Friday, July 15, 1:30 p.m. If you wish to attend in person, please call the office as space is limited. More information and instructions will be available on our web site at cascadiacd.org or by calling the district office, 509-436-1601.
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