Friday, September 20, 2024

Facts trumped by crying babies


The cover of Time magazine last week offered a doctored photo showing President Trump standing over a crying baby with a tag line - Welcome to America. It has inspired outrage by the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd. Problem is it is factually flawed. In other words it is fake news. News deliberately created to inspire a visceral emotional response.

Here are the inconvenient facts of the story. The mother and baby were never separated. The 2-year-old baby was put down while border agents patted the mother down. Moments later the mother picked the baby back up and they were taken away in a van - together. The baby’s father and the Honduran Deputy foreign minister confirmed that fact.

This is just the latest example of how the truth of the issue is irrelevant to the TDS crowd. Facts do not matter to these people despite their constant cry, “you are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own set of facts.” They rarely bother to examine the facts of any issue.

Tearing families apart is not an option any of us find desirable. But the reality is it happens all of the time. American citizens are regularly separated from their children when they are incarcerated for committing a crime. Why should the children of illegal immigrants be treated differently? The parents have committed a crime by crossing into this country illegally.

Some have argued that the families should be kept together until the parents have been arraigned in a court of law. There are a number of problems that make that a difficult option. First, the parents have already demonstrated disrespect for our laws by coming here illegally so there is no guarantee they will show up in court when required. Second a court has already ruled that the children cannot be held indefinitely.

Failing to get any traction with Stormy Daniels or the Russia collusion stories the anti-Trump media has fanned the flames of emotional unrest over ripping children from their mother’s arms. Their stories are couched in terms of keeping the children in cages and placing them in “concentration camps”. USA Today ran a story with the headline, “Hundreds of immigrant children wait in cages.” CNN tried to justify the Time cover photo saying, “ shows the compassion gap that exists between the Trump administrations zero-tolerance border policy and the real life people that are affected.”

The problem with this type of sensational journalism is it creates false narratives that do not allow us to confront and resolve difficult real world issues. Worse, it empowers the misinformed and factually limited to act in ways that could be harmful to those who are working hard to address the issues.

It is far past time that the Trump Delusion Syndrome crowd got over their hatred of the Donald and resolved themselves to the fact that most Americans are fed up with business as usual in Washington. The voters have chosen to elect an outsider in an effort to overturn the corrupt and ineffective programs that are bankrupting our country and turning average Americans against each other.

While the country is focused on babies being separated from their law breaking parents. No one is paying attention to the real scandal in Washington. Our entire justice system has been corrupted. There is no longer equal justice for all. There is substantial evidence that government employees conspired to influence the outcome of an election. Forget the fake Russian collusion investigation. There are Federal government employees that need to be terminated immediately.

When our justice system favors any political party, individual or group over another then clearly we are course to becoming another third world dictatorship. What’s worse in this case is FBI officials were willing to ignore clear violations of the law by one candidate in order to prevent the other candidate from getting elected.

Hillary Clinton should have been charged with gross negligence in the way she handled her email and electronic messages. To make matters worse she obstructed justice by destroying evidence. None of that mattered to her supporters. But more importantly, it didn’t matter to the FBI investigators who should have recommended charges be brought against her.

The Justice Department scandal is proof that there is still much work to be done in draining the swamp in Washington. And the controversy over how to deal with children of illegal immigrants at the border is just another diversion from the more significant problem of out of control bureaucrats in our nations capital.

The TDS crowd doesn’t care about compassion for immigrant children. What they care about is their loss of power. True American patriots must not allow themselves to be distracted by fake news and false narratives.

It is time to clean house at the FBI and indict Hillary Clinton and any of her campaign aides and government employees that tried to cover up for her.


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