Thursday, February 6, 2025



IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CHELAN JAMES C. GRAY AND DEBORAH L. GRAY, husband and wife, Plaintiff, vs. DUANE P. STEWART AND DEBORAH A. STEWART, husband and wife; and ALL PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 24-2-00037-04 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: All persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint herein. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 31st day of January, 2024, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff, James C. Gray and Deborah L. Gray, and serve a copy of your Answer upon the undersigned attorneys of the Plaintiff, James C. Gray and Deborah L. Gray, at their office below stated; and, in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet title in Plaintiff to real estate in Chelan County, Washington, described as: The East half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, and the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 19 East, Willamette Meridian, Chelan County, Washington, lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way of Mission Creek Road, except Parcel E depicted on Boundary Line Adjustment No. 2587, recorded July 7, 1992, under Chelan County Auditor’s File No. 920707006. against the claim of the Defendants and any one of them. DATED this 25th day of January, 2024. DAVIS, ARNEIL LAW FIRM, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff By STEVE D. SMITH WSBA #16613 Office and Post Office Address: 617 Washington Street Wenatchee, WA 98801 Published in the Cashmere Valley Record/Leavenworth Echo on January 31, February 7, 14, 21, 28, March 6, 2024. #7204


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