Friday, July 26, 2024

Leavenworth City Council moves forward with Ski Hill Sidewalk Project


The Leavenworth City Council met for their regular biweekly meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23 in City Hall. During this meeting, there were multiple presentations and reports from city representatives and departments that were to update the council on current issues and occurrences within the town. The first report was on public safety and detailed the number of arrests, citations, patrol hours, etc. There was not much activity this past month, however, 971 patrol hours were logged which is around 100 more hours than the monthly average this year thus far. The next report was from the fire marshal, discussing river rescues and the start of river season upcoming. There was an unfortunate accident a few weeks back which marked the first death of this season, and the fire marshal reiterated the dangers associated with journeying through the river during this time of year. As the year progresses, the fire department will be responding to these river rescues and will continue to assist in keeping the people of Leavenworth safe. Next was an update on Link Transit and the number of passengers and use it has been getting. There was also an update for the Chelan county solid waste and hazardous waste management plan which delved into garbage and waste, along with recycling and how much our city compares to others within the county and the state. There was a survey with nine other random counties within the state that found Chelan County to be in the top of the groups in waste management. The council moved on to pass the plan that needs to be renewed in the city every five years. Details of the plan include current collections and operations of solid waste throughout the county. The meeting progressed with discussion of the Ski Hill Drive sidewalk improvement bid award. The project will construct ADA-compliant sidewalks on the west side of Ski Hill Drive and will include a bike lane as well. The City received four total bids for this project ranging from $450,000 to $620,000. The council passed this project, and the city is eager to move forward in constructing these sidewalks. Lastly, the community pool opens on June 6 with an extremely tentative schedule. The schedule, as of now, stands at swim team prep and lap swim from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and open swim from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The pool is not open on weekends per the current schedule; however, the city council urged the public to keep an eye out for the schedule to change course and develop new times. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m. in City Hall.


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