Tuesday, February 11, 2025



NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Leavenworth has scheduled a public hearing with the Leavenworth Hearing Examiner to consider amendment to the Leavenworth Adventure Park Conditional Use Permit, file number LUA2023-058, located at 9342 Icicle Road, Leavenworth, WA. You are invited to review the file, make comment, and attend the public hearing. The Public Hearing will be held at 9:00am Friday March 29, 20224 at City Hall, 700 Hwy 2, Leavenworth, WA and via Zoom Meeting ID: 971 6918 4615; Passcode: 961696; Or the call-in phone number: 1-253-215-8782. You are encouraged to attend or provide written comment. Written comments need to be submitted to the city staff one day prior to the hearing, to be added to the file of record. Additionally, public comment will be taken at the hearing. The file materials can be viewed online on the City’s Public Portal at https://lvnworth_wa.permittrax.com/Citizen/; Search LUA2023-058, the property address, or use the interactive map feature to access the file. Additionally, you may request to view the file at City Hall, 700 Highway 2, Leavenworth, during normal business hours or be directed to Lilith Vespier, Community Development Director, phone 509-548-5275 or email lvespier@cityofleavenworth.com. Published in the Leavenworth Echo/Cashmere Valley Record on March 13, 2024 #7443


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