NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Leavenworth City Council will conduct public hearings on April 23, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Leavenworth City Council Chambers, at 700 Highway 2, Leavenworth to receive public input on two petitions to vacate right-of-way. 1. A request to vacate that portion of Park Avenue, within the Plat of Leavenworth Land Company’s First Addition, as recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 26, records of Chelan County, Washington, lying northerly of Block 7 of said plat and adjacent to lots 27 and 28, of said Block 7 on the south; and lying southerly of Miller’s Replat of Block 5 of Leavenworth Land Company First Addition, as recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 37, records of Chelan County, Washington and adjacent to lots 27, 28 and 29, of Block 1 on the north; and lying westerly of that portion of right-of-way vacated by Ordinance 527, as filed with the Chelan County Auditor in Book 708 at Page 951.The proposed vacation is located adjacent to properties owned by the Leavenworth Church of the Nazarene, at 109 Park Ave and 111 Ski Hill Dr; Assessor Parcel Numbers 241702670290, 241702670296, 241711702004, 241711702007, and 241711702006. 2. A request to vacate that portion of alley within the Plat of Leavenworth Land Company’s First Addition, as recorded in Volume 2, Page 26, records of Chelan County, Washington, lying northerly of Prospect Street and southerly of Park Avenue, running through Block 7 of said plat, and adjacent to Lots 1 through 6 and “A” on the south, and Lots 27 through 32 and “B” on the north. And lying westerly of that portion of right-of-way vacated by Ordinance 478.The proposed vacation is located adjacent to property owned by the Leavenworth Church of the Nazarene, at 128 Prospect and 111 Ski Hill Drive; Assessor Parcel Number 241702670296. Please contact the Community Development Department, City Hall 700 Highway 2, PO Box 287, Leavenworth, phone 509-548-5275, to review the files or with questions. Published in the Leavenworth Echo/Cashmere Valley Record on April 3, 2024. #7531
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