Friday, July 26, 2024

Rep. Mike Steele reappointed ranking member on House Capital Budget Committee


Rep. Mike Steele, R-Chelan, has been reappointed to serve as the ranking member on the House Capital Budget Committee when the Legislature convened for the 2023 session on Monday, Jan. 9.

Steele has been the lead Republican on the committee since 2021, serving as the assistant ranking member prior to that. This continued assignment makes him a top negotiator and budget writer for the state's two-year construction budget.

The Capital Budget Committee approves money for the construction and repair of public buildings and other long-term investments, such as land acquisitions and transfers. Additionally, the committee considers grants and loans to local governments or nonprofit organizations for infrastructure, broadband, housing, and cultural and heritage facilities.

"It's an incredible honor to be reappointed to this leadership role," said Steele. "The capital budget is unique in that it is by far the most bipartisan committee in Olympia. Both sides of the aisle work together to prioritize and advance projects that not only improve long-term economic goals, but also enhance renewal, health, and growth for rural and urban communities alike."

The 12th District lawmaker was also reappointed to serve on the House Appropriations Committee and Education Committee.

The Appropriations Committee considers the operating budget and related legislation, budget processes, and fiscal issues such as pension policy and compensation. The Education Committee considers issues relating to kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12) education.

"Serving on the Appropriations Committee gives me a unique opportunity to protect our citizens' hard-earned tax dollars, advocating for a fiscally prudent state budget - while working against irresponsible state spending," said Steele.

"How we educate our youth, teaching them to think critically and be prepared for life, is incredibly important to the future of Washington state," added Steele. "I'm deeply thankful to have been selected to continue as a member of the Education Committee in the coming session."



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