Friday, July 26, 2024

The Suggestive Whistle


Let’s get this PC thing out of the way. It’s probably not politically correct to say so but as

far as this columnist can tell, the PC (aka Planning Commission), while advertising for

diversity, is ideologically skewed and scoots along the edge of conflict of interest where

some of the membership is concerned. The Whistle Team and I have done tons of

research to determine the propriety of what is occurring, and we’ve attempted to look at

best practices for ethics across numerous resources in WA State and beyond.

Depending on the source, you’ll get different impressions about conflict of interest and

the appointment process. So, this Whistle is your heads up for the next, when we'll lay

out a number of facts and a bit of opinion so you can form your own impressions.

In the meantime, an annual opportunity to register your thoughts about two big

initiatives affecting our city’s future is occurring now. The first has everything to do with

the Planning Commission. It’s called “the docket.” The council, mayor and city staff are

currently preparing the docket or annual agenda for consideration by the PC. If there is

anything special you want on the docket, now’s the time to speak up! What about

reviewing the amount of B and Bs in our community, and how many are allowed per

street? No limits at this point. What about green space and some kind of code that

requires a single leaf of vegetation in a yard? What about prioritizing streets over alleys

for repair?

Then there is the Urban Growth Area. Over 500 people took the quiz about the

proposed UGA. You probably saw the map. But did you know that the proposed area is

not set in stone? In the next month, citizens can contact council members to voice

thoughts and preferences. The Whistle Team will be working on commenting as well,

but to be perfectly honest, if you don’t get involved now by directly communicating, the

emails and comments you make to us privately won’t be much help. The city must hear

from individuals on the topics that matter to our future in a “public record” context. Do

keep contacting us to let us know what you are thinking. It really helps.

I’m closing this Whistle with contact info for all the elected folks who serve in city

government. They are the ones who shape the future of our valley by the decisions they

make and the votes they take. Zeke Reister:,

Sharon Waters:, Tbor Lak:, Clint Strand:, Anne

Hessberg:, Jason Lundgren:, Marco Aurelio:, Carl Florea:

We can be found at And don’t forget to take our most recent poll

question found on the front page of the online version of the Echo. Or just whistle.

We’ll hear you.


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