Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Wenatchee River Institute Red Barn March Events


Red Barn Event: Nexus Ski Film with Sasha Dingle

Thursday, March 23, 7- 8 p.m.

Join WRI and Leavenworth professional skier, Sasha Dingle, to watch the new ski film, Nexus! It is an action sports film documenting five distinct groups of skiers, their connection to the mountains, and how skiing shapes their relationships. This film is produced and directed by women.

Introduction to Wildlife Tracking Class

Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26

WRI invites you to a weekend introduction to the language of wildlife tracking with Adam Martin. Throughout the weekend, you’ll gain a basic understanding of how to identify and interpret the commonly left tracks and sign of the birds, mammals, and insects of our region.

Red Barn Event: Geologic Fluids and Plant Life

Wednesday, March 29, 7-8 p.m.

Join WRI, Washington Native Plant Society, and local geologist, Ralph Haugerud for a Red Barn event where you'll learn about the four types of geologic fluids. The effects of these fluids govern how water moves in and through our landscape, thereby shaping our plant communities.

Garden Planning Workshop

Thursday, March 30, 5-6:30 p.m.

Have you always wanted to grow your own food, herbs, or flowers, but have never known where to start? Or maybe you were worried about not having enough space for your dream garden. This is the workshop for you.

Native Plants with Cascade High School

In a new program, WRI is working with the Plant Science class at Cascade High School to help design and develop a native plant garden on the hill side on the WRI campus. Currently, there are four 12'x6' plots and students can plant up to 8 species in each plot. The group of 11th and 12th grade students learn more about plant biodiversity, native plants, how to perform site evaluations, and which plants may grow better together. The students will design, plant, and manage the garden throughout the year, gaining community service hours to place towards graduation, college applications, and more. Stay tuned for updates as the garden continues to develop.


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