Saturday, May 4, 2024

How to conquer a people


 Publisher's Note: Since publishing this letter in the print edition I have had one person call to cancel their subscription saying "you shouldn't be publishing content like this." Clearly, that person does not understand the concept of freedom of speech guaranteed by our US Constitution. I print lots of opinions. I do not necesarily agree with them all, but I do believe we all deserve to be heard. If you find this letter offensive in any way you are welcome to submit a contrary view. I do not accept anonymous letters.

 Recently we have seen a greater acceptance of socialism aka communism by the Democrat party and the leftists. It is a false promise and a siren song for the young and gullible. It always results in poverty, dysfunction, chaos, violence and tyranny by the " elites " who have acquired unquestioned and unassailable power to rule over the rest of us without our consent. You can vote your country into socialism, but you will have to shoot your way out of it. History proves that socialism aka communism fails 100% of the time, despite its false promises. Just look at Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Who in their right mind would want to destroy their own country that is the freest, most successful, and best country in human history in favor of communism? Only a brainwashed people.

   In the 1940's and 1950's the Soviet Union devised a "brainwashing project" to subdue and conquer the American people. KGB colonel Yuri Bezmenov ran a program to emotionally brainwash the American people so that they would hate their own country and want to destroy it. It started with our State department, media, entertainment, and educational systems.

 When I was a kid, I remember Russian premier Nikita Khrushchev pounding his shoe on the podium at the UN yelling at the Americans stating, " we will bury you, we will conquer you from within without firing a shot." This is exactly what is happening today. United we stand - divided we will fall. The emotional brainwashing has convinced many liberal/progressive Americans to loath themselves (liberal white guilt) and their country because of their perceived past sins. This is to assuage their emotional guilt about their country and institute socialism by voting for the Democrat party. Freedom be damned.

 Col. Bezmenov states that this is a slow process in four steps. 1. Demoralization - making a country immoral so that they will not see evil and realize truth. Continually bombard them with false information about themselves. 2. Destabilization - create turning points to cause doubt and chaos. Convince people to behave the way those in power want them to 3. Create crisis points to seize political power by making people believe what the fake news tells them. 4. Normalization - Where evil is to be considered good and good is to be evil. Make people believe that the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. "The Big Lie" theory, tell a big lie often enough and most foolish people will believe it is the truth. Deceive the people to accept all manner of depravity. Follow the dictates of their liberal political leaders without question. Work politically against the interests of their country and themselves. Accept the killing of unborn babies. Our good representative government is bad so we will vote for socialism to assuage our emotional guilt to show others how good we are. The political charlatans of the Democrat party will do anything and tell any lie to gain tyrannical political power and keep it. They use the "Cloward & Piven" method and the "Rules For Radicals" taught in our universities to bring down our free country. Col. Bezmenov states that when this Soviet emotional brainwashing is complete that the people will be immune from the truth and they cannot be reasoned with. The brainwashing is irreversible because it is emotional. Americans will then be ripe to be conquered. They will believe that up is down and down is up. They will elect selfish politicians that can't think straight and will enact laws & regulations to the detriment of their own country. Political graft and bribery for personal gain (i.e. Joe Biden and family) will be their motivation. General societal breakdown occurs, such as we are seeing today in our big cities.

Read George Orwell's book 1984 for a primmer. Communism aka socialism & progressivism always fails whenever and wherever it is tried. History proves this 100%, yet it is being taught in our universities. The liberals can vote us into socialism, but us patriots will have to shoot our way out of it.

WAKE UP, only you can prevent socialism. Think about it. God is watching.

Bill Cowles



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