Sunday, May 5, 2024



I don’t want “the shot”, and no one can make me take one!  Why can’t I jay-walk?  As if that painted crosswalk would stop anything.  “No shirt, no shoes, no service”, what a concept!  I know how to swim, ergo, why do I need a life vest? 

Don’t even get me started on those insane seat-belt rules.  Now “they” tell me my son will be made to repeat the third grade!  Just because “someone” (Big Brother) says he can’t read or write at some arbitrary, acceptable, level!  Speed limits?  Give me a break.  I would tell you where to put that face mask, if I thought the paper would print it.  A certain age to drive, a certain age to enter bars and taverns, a certain age to vote!  A certain age to be able to be President of the United States, and yet no minimum IQ?  Go figure!!

Peace and love,

Charlie Olinghouse


P.S. You asked for it, Gary!


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